April 29: Tantrum

For the daily prompt:

He sat all huffy

In his high and mighty throne

He wanted something right away

Or his wrath would be shown


Did they think they could ignore him

In all his cuddly glory?

Well if they did

He would make them sorry


What he craved was attention

Their constant ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’

After all he was important

He had even said his first ‘mama’


He may be the smallest in the family

But he had them wrapped around his finger

All it took was a sad face

Or a little dramatic whimper


They would rush to his side

All soft words and concerned gazes

Little did they know

All he wanted was their praises


He didn’t like throwing tantrums

And making a big fuss

But the effect was instantaneous

That was a big plus




April 30: Astonish

For the daily prompt:

She waited by the door

For the postman to arrive

Feeling all excited and queasy

He was usually there by 5


A huge smile lit up her face

As he headed straight for her

Holding the crisp white envelope

She felt butterflies and a little fear


“Thank you!” she said,

Ripping it open right there

She couldn’t wait a moment longer

She unfolded the letter with care


“It gives me great pleasure”

The letter’s first words read

She stared with ashtonishment

“Oh my God!”, she said


She dashed back inside

To tell her parents the news

She had gotten into her dream college

She would have to leave Syracuse


Happiness, pride and sadness

Gripped her all at the same time

A new journey was about to begin

But it was a mountain worth the climb!

© ThatPuneChic





May 1: Sleeve

For the daily prompt:

She wandered through the emptiness

Alone as she had always been

Feeling lonely even in a crowd

She just wanted to be seen


There had been times

When she was surrounded by friends

But even they turned their backs

She knew this is how it would end


They had their own little cliques

Of people who thought alike

But she could never fit into one of those

And pretend to love things she didn’t even like


It was really her fault, you know

She shouldn’t carry her heart on her sleeve

She should pretend instead

And make others believe


Emotions and feelings, oh what are those

But mere fleeting things

What truly mattered

Was fitting in


She should try and be with the times

If not far ahead,

Keep checking what was trending

Learn all the slang that celeb just said


Don’t be open, don’t be true

Just be something everyone wants to be

Keep those emotions and opinions bottled

Don’t let anyone see


You know who she was?

She was like Elsa from Frozen¹

But in real life,

She was just a girl broken

© ThatPuneChic

[1] Elsa is a character from Disney’s Frozen who is forced to live a secluded life because she has magical powers (as in she is different from “regular” people)


May 2: Abrupt

For the daily prompt:

She came to an abrupt halt

When she saw his familiar face

It was one that stood out

Her heart increased its pace


He stood gazing at the portraits

In the gallery like so many others

She wondered what he was thinking

Her heart still fluttered


Should she walk up to him

And confess all her feelings?

What if he rejected her again?

The mere thought of it was chilling


But if she let this chance go

She knew she would regret

Making up her mind

She took a long, deep breath


She slowly started walking

In his general direction

He was at the next portrait now

Frowning with speculation


Leaning in to see the details

His arms unfolded by his sides

That’s when she saw the glint

And stopped short, eyes wide


For a moment she didn’t believe

That it was his left hand and ring finger

They broke up just weeks ago

And so soon he had forgotten her


She felt the pang inside her

And in that moment she knew

Her baby was better off without him

It would just be them two




May 3: Observe

For the daily prompt:

She sat near the window

In the backseat of the car

And watched the little raindrops

Thinking of her journey thus far


Trees and buildings rushed by

As the car sped along

She loved watching their blurred forms

While listening to her favorite song


The rain made little rivulets

In the crevices in the rocks

Little streams started flowing

And birds gathered in flocks


She felt a sense of freedom

Out here in the open

Not restricted by the city

Out here something wonderful could happen


She observed all the colors

Muted only a little by the rain

Finally some respite from the grey of concrete

Green was here once again


She loved these little outings

Despite not being able to walk

Her life was confined to a chair

But she was thankful she could at least talk


The world seemed so much bigger

When you always had to sit

Sometimes she felt so frustrated

And wanted to throw a fit


But life was what it was

And there wasn’t much to be done

So she decided to have a positive outlook

And in her mind, she could even run!

© ThatPuneChic


May 4: Tide

For the daily prompt:

Seize the day and

Live life to its best

These moments won’t come back

There’s no re-test


Time and tide

Wait for no man

So take that leap

Like only you can


You chose this path

So now forge ahead

Don’t worry about the issues

Stay positive instead


You can cross any bridge

But wait for it to come

Don’t waste time fretting

Have some fun!

© ThatPuneChic


May 5: Mentor

For the daily prompt:

When you join something new

It’s all a big confusion

So they assign you a mentor

To get started on the action


It’s so very important

That your mentor is a good guide

For that can make all the difference

To get on your manager’s good side


They know the ins and outs

And the pitfalls to avoid

And they will lead you the right way

And make sure to the rules you abide


So take in all that they teach you

And give something back

Be a good listener and

Stay focused and on track


Make the most of their know-how

And add some value of your own

After all you want to make progress

And repay that student loan


Your mentor may reprimand you

Maybe even give you a hard time

But know that’s for your own sake

So you’re worth every dime


Be thankful for a person

Who wants you to give your best

It’ll only make you better at the job

And ready for any test

© ThatPuneChic



May 6: Bubble

For the daily prompt:

We live in society

In a restricted little bubble

Where there’s just one way to do things

Or else you get in trouble


They don’t have open minds

Just constantly open ears and mouths

To jeer and laugh at you

Like every other person in the crowd


If you step away and do something different

That doesn’t conform to their views

It’s as though you’re an outcast

And are forced to pay the dues


But to make a difference

Stand out you must

Even though they won’t support you

Even though you don’t have their trust


So rather than regret later

If you believe in your dreams

Break the bubble, take the plunge

Don’t fall prey to their schemes


Of all the people in world history

That have made this world what it is today

The thinkers who thought out-of-the-box

They’re the ones that stay!

© ThatPuneChic




May 7: Flaunt

For the daily prompt:

He sat in his little store

His goodies all laid out

Bright and colorful things

Whose value he started to shout


They were vendors all of them

Out flaunting their wares

In the sprawling marketplace

As good as stocks and shares


He wanted to be heard

And seen above the crowd

His stuff was better than most

And his voice thankfully loud


His prices were the best

For what he was selling

But he had to promote it well

Which involved a lot of yelling


As people started to gather

And take a look at his wares

He felt this day would be good

And lessen some of his cares


As money changed hands

He started feeling much better

Lately he hadn’t sold too much

And was a bit under the weather


But once he made some pence

Relief coursed through his mind

He would be back tomorrow

And earn more in kind

© ThatPuneChic



May 8: Rapid

For the daily prompt:

Running faster and faster

I feel my rapid heartbeat against my throat

The pounding rhythm pushing me ahead

I stumble and fall but rise again

Sweat coursing down my face as I try to catch my breath

Ignoring the stitch in my side

I run without abandon

Anything to put some distance between us

He is closing in on me now

Hands reaching out towards me

I feel panic rising like a tide inside

Swallowing the impulse to scream

I use my breath to forge onward

But he is relentless in his pursuit

Coming closer with every moment

His long fingers ghost against my back

And I know I cannot stop him

No matter what path I choose

He will find me for he is fate that none escape

© ThatPuneChic